Contact Yogafun
Our iconic Yogafun™ program has been taught to hundreds of schools in Victoria, teaching health and empowerment through evidence-based Kids Yoga, Mindfulness and Social & Emotional Learning (SELs) techniques, since 2005.
- 1300 Yogafun (1300 9642-386)
“The Australian Sports Commission’s Active Afterschool communities program has been extremely impressed with the Yogafun sessions they deliver in our schools. Yogafun offers a fun, enjoyable and inclusive activity that the kids and schools within the AASC program love as they find it to be a great alternative to the mainstream sports.”
Want to become a Kids Yoga Teacher?
A fun, passionate and enthusiastic trainer & mentor, Connie will empower you to be a confident kids yoga teacher in no time. Her extensive knowledge about yoga and how to use it effectively as a self-esteem tool with children and young people is both informative and inspiring. Send us a message so we can discuss the best training program for you.
- 1300 Yogafun (1300 9642-386)